Being big room house this song needs to flow well together, while still having a completely different drop then the rest. While you managed to do so, it was executed very poorly. Sorry if this seems like I'm being mean or anything, but I'm only trying to help. By giving you what I see and hear
1. Cymbals during the starting sequences and verses are either way too quiet or way too loud. Needs to be fixed. (Startup: 3/5)
2. Main verses have nothing but a very electronic-sounding lead/bass (can I even call it a true bass? its more like alto/tenor chords) and a very upbeat drum kit. This was missing quite a bit to it, as the verse is where the song is supposed to sound full, yet it fails to do with only these 2 elements. Maybe a more traditional base added onto it or some other pads behind it distant from the electronic chords. (Verse: 2.5/5)
3. Transition from the verses/buildup to the drop is decent, no real problems specifically with this area. (Buildup: 4.5/5)
4. For it being "Trumpets", could use a more trumpet-like instrument in the drop, though what you have isn't as bad as it could be. The kick isn't bad either. The big problem lies in the difference from the versus and the drop. It goes straight from tiny electronic sequences into a large open sequences with a very open sounding "trumpet" and a completely different tone and key. It does not blend well together at all, leaving too much of a gap. (Drop: 2.5-3/5) (Transitions: 1/5)
5. Bridge suffers from similar problems as the verse, but it is slightly more full. On the other hand, other things are traded off, as an even heavier lack of bass, and the pauses (though alright) make it sound less full than it should without anything else there to help fill it (like a bass). Percussion also doesn't fit well with this section overall very well. (Bridge: 1.5-2/5)
6. Ending ends on a massive cliffhanger, no fadeout, no percussion aside from a final cymbal, and is just a repeat of the verses throughout the song. Not a very ideal way to end a song when you are ending it on a cliffhanging loop. (Ending: 1/5)
Final Score: 1.5-2/5 Way too many major spots that need to be improved, though good attempt. Some great ideas are in the song. keep working at it.
- SlashDaUmbreon (AKA Shadowscape)
Founder of RisingDawnSounds